Medicines and ancestral wisdom


Ayahuasca in Brasil and Peru, or Yagé (pronounced 'yah-hay') in Colombia and Ecuador, is one of the cornerstones of the Amazonian medicines. The word “ayahuasca” is a Quechua term made up of the word 'aya' (“soul” or “dead spirit”) and waska ("rope” or “vine”) = “the vine (or rope) of the dead”. The psychedelic, medicinal brew has been used in sacred ceremonies for more than five thousand years by Shamans, Taitas, Maimas and Healers of the Amazon to treat physical, mental or spiritual illnesses. It induces altered states of consciousness and facilitates deep introspection and healing journeys.

Ayahuasca is mainly made up of two plants: the ayahuasca vine (banisteriopsis caapi) and chacruna leaves (psychotria viridis). These ingredients are then brewed together in a sacred ritual for several hours into a medicinal tea. When ingested in a safe ceremonial setting under the guidance of an experienced shaman, this ancient medicine offers people the chance to meet their unconscious mind, overcome blockages, heal trauma and different diseases, expand consciousness and find clarity and a sense of purpose.

Rapid antidepressant effects of the psychedelic ayahuasca in treatment-resistant depression: a randomized placebo-controlled trialOUR YAGÉ DOCUMENTARY 


Known as 'the vaccine of the jungle', Kambo is the potent secretion of a frog from the Peruvian Amazon that, when applied to the skin through a series of small burns, facilitates a deep bodily cleanse. Before undergoing this cleanse, it is required to drink around 2 liters of water to help the process. Kambo then works primarily on the liver to eliminate old toxins from unnatural chemicals found in food, drugs, and other areas of modern life that may have accumulated over several years. These toxins are then expelled from the body through vomiting or defecation.

Kambo has strong antibiotic properties and a high concentration of biological polypeptides, strengthening the immune system and the whole body through the production of antibodies. It also penetrates the blood circulation, increasing the production of red blood cells and platelets. On a mental, emotional, and spiritual level, Kambo can help overcome old obstacles and release emotional and/or ancestral blocks that hold us back.


Derived from Amazonian plants, Sananga is a type of eye drop used by tribespeople in the Amazon as eye medicine to sharpen (night) vision and for hunting. Sananga enhances mental clarity, focus, and perceptual acuity. Often used as a precursor to Ayahuasca ceremonies by the Kaxinawa and Matses tribes of Brazil, these powerful eye drops have a healing power that’s more energetic than physical, and that has the capacity to increase spiritual insight in the minds of those who use it.

These sacred eye drops cause an intense burning that usually lasts a few minutes, and experienced practitioners say this pain is an important part of the healing process. Shamans advise you to breathe deeply into the intensity to gain the most from its benefits - it is by leaning into the pain that you can cleanse not only your eyes, but your mind and spirit as well. Once the pain leaves and the sananaga is no longer in your body, you are left with a feeling of immense relaxation.


Rapé ('ha-peh') is an ancient sacred medicine that is prepared by successive grinding and sieving of tobacco, medicinal plants, bark and ashes from a sacred fire to create a delicate blend. This blend is then blown through a long pipe into each nostril.

Rapé is typically offered before drinking Ayahuasca/Yagé to ground and cleanse, and is also offered during ceremony if required (e.g. it helps purging when needed). In addition, shamanic cultures believe it offers participants clarity, grounding, and spiritual connection.


Tobacco plays a very important role in the mystical, social and medical rituals of many Indigenous cultures around the world.  By the end of the 16th century, and based on the medical applications of the herb by the American natives, Tobacco was in widespread use in Europe to treat a variety of diseases.

When used ceremonially, Tobacco can provide presence, groundedness and cleanse. He is a very ancient spirit with remarkable wisdom. A master teacher. Plant medicine.

However, over time, excessive use of Tobacco led to the drug controversy. Awareness of the inability to give up smoking long after recovery from the illness led some to see the habit as sinful because the individual indulged in the practice for pleasure. In addition, industrial Tobacco companies started adding chemicals to make it more addictive.

Once again we are reminded that everything in life can be medicine or poison. It all depends on the intention behind its use.


Dreamwork, the practice of interpreting our dream imagery for personal insight and healing, goes back at least as far as recorded civilization. Throughout history, civilizations have revered dreams as divine guidance, utilising dream sanctuaries and temples for healing, such as those dedicated to Imhotep in ancient Egypt  and to Asklepion in ancient Greece.

Embodied Imagination

Influenced by Carl Jung's perspective on dreams as symbolic reflections of the self and unconscious, Robert Bosnak developed Embodied Imagination in the 1980s.

Embodied Imagination is a therapeutic technique used for dreamwork that combines mindfulness, bodily awareness and imaginative exercises for exploring unconscious processes and promoting healing and personal growth.

Given the similarities between dream and hallucinogenic phenomena (similar neural pathways and neurochemistry), Embodied Imagination also serves as a very powerful tool to integrate psychedelic experiences, such as a Yagé ceremony.

Yoga and Ayurveda

Yoga, originating in ancient India, is a holistic practice that unites mind, body, and spirit through physical postures, breath control, and meditation. It promotes flexibility, strength, and inner peace while cultivating mindfulness and self-awareness. Through Yoga, individuals can achieve balance, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being.

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, complements Yoga by providing personalised holistic healing through dietary guidelines, herbal remedies, and lifestyle recommendations tailored to individual constitution, or dosha.


While the origins of Tarot are shrouded in mystery, we can affirm that Tarot is at least a centuries-old divination tool consisting of a deck of cards typically divided into two main groups: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. Each card in the deck is adorned with symbolic imagery representing archetypal themes, experiences, and energies. Tarot readings can provide profound insight into life's questions and explore deeper aspects of the self through the interpretation of the archetypal energies of each card.

Gene Keys

Developed by Richard Rudd in the early 2000s, the Gene Keys is a system that blends spirituality, human genetics, and consciousness to unlock the wisdom encoded in one's DNA. It combines elements of astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and Human Design to explore personal growth and transformation.

At its core, the Gene Keys system is based on the idea that each individual possesses a unique set of genetic codes, or "Gene Keys," derived from the 64 codons found in human DNA. Each of these Gene Keys correspond to specific qualities, traits, and evolutionary pathways and represent both challenges and gifts in one's life. By meditating on and contemplating their qualities, individuals can unlock their latent potentials, transcend limiting patterns, and align with their highest expression. Through the Gene Keys, individuals embark on a profound journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and conscious evolution, gaining deeper insights into their life purpose, relationships, and spiritual path.


Reiki is a Japanese practice that channels healing energy through the hands to promote relaxation, balance, and holistic well-being. Its profound impact on individuals' health has made it a widely respected and sought-after healing modality.

Reiki originated in Japan in the late 19th century through the teachings of Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist monk and spiritual practitioner. During a profound retreat on Mount Kurama, Usui reportedly received the knowledge and ability to channel healing energy, which he named Reiki.


Rooted in ancient Chinese philosophy and traditional Chinese medicine, Qigong is a holistic system that integrates movement, breath, and meditation to cultivate Qi (vital energy).

Literally translating to "life energy cultivation," Qigong aims to promote the flow of Qi throughout the body, fostering physical health, emotional balance, and spiritual well-being. Practitioners of Qigong engage in gentle, flowing movements, synchronised with deep breathing and mindful awareness, to harmonise the body's energy system, strengthen the immune system, and cultivate inner peace.

Wuo Tai

Wùo, a blend of  "Wu" symbolizing a circle, and "Ou," representing duality or pairing.  "Tai," encompassing the vastness beyond. Wùo Taï can be interpreted as "Between Two Circles" or "Within the Universe."

Wuo Tai, also known as “Osteo-dance” or “Dance of the Fascias”, is a branch of Osteopathy rooted in anatomy and embryology. Through a subtle conversation with the fascia, an elliptical movement propagates like a wave which releases blockages and opens interior spaces. The person receiving is lying on a futon and completely passive. This osteopathic dance activiates and mobilisises the interconnected muscular chains, bones, joints, organs and fascia within the body.

The person who coined this name, Ronald Combes, is an osteopath who added to the practice of classical osteopathy the subtle world of dance, the wisdom of Thai massage and martial arts. After meeting his wife Nathalie, and from the alchemy of their skills, the couple developed the practice of Wuo Tai on the basis of 64 main gestures, inspired by the 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching.


Watsu is an innovative Wellness Art performed in warm water, blending ancient Eastern practices like Shiatsu with aquatic therapy. Developed by Harold Dull in the 1980s, it involves gentle movements and stretches in buoyant water, inducing deep relaxation and a sense of surrender. Each session is a unique journey of self-discovery and emotional release, tapping into early memories and promoting transformation through sensory experience. It fosters a non-verbal dialogue between giver and receiver, characterised by attentiveness, emotion, and care.

Sound Healing

Sound healing utilises the vibrational qualities of sound to promote holistic well-being, aiming to harmonise the body's energy centres and restore balance. During sessions, individuals are exposed to soothing sounds from instruments like singing bowls or tuning forks.

The vibrations created by the soothing sounds resonate with the cells, tissues, and organs of the body, facilitating relaxation, stress reduction, and the release of energetic blockages.

During a sound healing session, participants typically lie down or sit in a comfortable position while being bathed in the soothing sounds produced by various instruments. As the sound waves wash over them, they may experience a profound sense of relaxation, inner peace, and rejuvenation.


Naturopathy is a holistic approach to healing that emphasises the body's innate ability to heal itself, utilising natural remedies, nutrition, and lifestyle adjustments.

This approach focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of health issues rather than simply treating symptoms. It typically involves a combination of natural therapies, including dietary changes, herbal medicine, lifestyle modifications, stress reduction techniques, and physical treatments such as massage or hydrotherapy.

The WHO (World Health Organization) recognizes Naturopathy as one of the three traditional medicines, aside Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine.

Somatic Integration

Somatic integration involves becoming aware of and understanding the sensations, feelings, and movements within the body and integrating them with cognitive, emotional, and psychological aspects of one's being.

Somatic integration practices often involves movement therapies like ecstatic dance, which is a free-form movement and expression to music in a safe and supportive environment. Participants are encouraged to let go of inhibitions, connect with their bodies, and express themselves authentically through movement.

Art Therapy

Art therapy is a form of psychotherapy where people use various art mediums to express themselves. Through creating art and reflecting on it, individuals can explore and communicate their thoughts, emotions, and experiences, fostering self-awareness, personal growth, and emotional healing.


Breathwork encompasses a variety of techniques focused on controlling and manipulating one's breathing patterns to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Through conscious regulation of breath, individuals engage in deep breathing exercises, rhythmic patterns, and specific techniques such as holotropic breathing, aiming to induce relaxation, reduce stress, increase focus, and explore altered states of consciousness.


Aromatherapy is a holistic healing practice that utilises the aromatic compounds extracted from plants, known as essential oils, to promote physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Aromatherapy can be administered through inhalation, topical application, or diffusion, allowing the therapeutic properties of the oils to interact with the body and mind.

Inhalation of essential oils, either through direct inhalation or by diffusing them into the air, allows their scent molecules to stimulate the olfactory system, which is linked to the brain's limbic system responsible for emotions, memory, and mood regulation. This can evoke specific physiological and psychological responses, such as relaxation, stress reduction, or mood enhancement. Additionally, when applied topically, essential oils can be absorbed through the skin, providing localised benefits such as pain relief, skin nourishment, or muscle relaxation.

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