Terms and Conditions

TAOZEN ASSOC. is the owner of the domain taozenfamily and its address is carrer Roma 6, 08280, Calaf, Barcelona, Spain. The contact email address is hello@taozenfamily.com
We recommend that you CAREFULLY READ this legal notice and other data protection policies (Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy) before using our website.
Any use of this website implies that you accept all the conditions included in these and other legal documents, and that you submit to the applicable legislation.
TAOZEN ASSOC. aims at promoting holistic healing. In this regard, it organises different activities such as yoga, meditation, mindfulness, collaborations with hospitals and therapists, holistic retreats, art therapy, sound healing, masculine and feminine circles, plant medicine ceremonies, workshops and trainings on astrology, reiki, mythology, tarot, I Ching, and alchemy.
To secure a spot at any event, participants must complete a membership form and, depending on the activity, also a health questionnaire providing accurate medical information.
Upon becoming a member of TAOZEN ASSOC. and verifying that the member meets all necessary health criteria, TAOZEN ASSOC. will confirm their reservation for the specified event.
When required, should the participant fail to meet the health requirements or if TAOZEN ASSOC. has serious doubts about the accuracy of the medical details provided, the reservation will be cancelled.
Participants can cancel their reservation at any time by notifying TAOZEN ASSOC.
TAOZEN ASSOC. reserves the right, in any circumstance, to cancel an event.
If TAOZEN ASSOC. cancels an event, participants will be offered the option to transfer their reservation to another date.
Travel to the event location or a designated pickup point arranged by TAOZEN ASSOC. is the responsibility of the participants and is at their own expense. TAOZEN ASSOC. is not liable for any delays or cancellations by travel providers nor for any travel documentation issues.
Considering potential travel disruptions, TAOZEN ASSOC. strongly recommends that participants, especially those coming from abroad, obtain travel insurance that covers activity-related incidents, unexpected flight cancellations, illnesses, and other pertinent issues.
TAOZEN ASSOC. may need to alter the event’s activities or schedules due to unforeseen circumstances unrelated to the organisation. In such instances, TAOZEN ASSOC. will inform participants as promptly as possible and will make the necessary adjustments to similar activities or reschedule with minimal disruption.
If TAOZEN ASSOC. discovers any discrepancy between a participant’s reported health condition and their actual condition, or if a participant is deemed unfit for the activities, or if instructions are not followed, TAOZEN ASSOC. reserves the right to limit the participant’s engagement in certain activities to ensure their safety and well-being.
TAOZEN ASSOC. is not liable for any loss or damage to participants’ personal belongings during any event, as long as they are not caused by personnel of the ORGANIZATION itself.
Participants are advised to take standard precautions with their valuables and to consult with TAOZEN ASSOC. if they have items of significant value that need special attention.
This privacy policy and the use of the Website are governed by the laws of Spain. If a dispute arises under this policy, we agree to first resolve it with the help of a mutually agreed-upon mediator, but if they can’t be, they will be resolved in the courts and magistrates courts of Barcelona, Spain, which will have sole and exclusive competence in relation to any other jurisdiction. 
This website is governed by national and international legislation on intellectual and industrial property.
All the contents of the website (text, audiovisual content, source code, graphic design, signs, logos, trademarks, databases, software, publication, programming, compilation, and any other elements and content necessary for it to function) belong to its owner.
Any unauthorised use of this content will be considered a breach of intellectual or industrial property rights and may have legal consequences.
The use and communication of any content on this website not belonging to the owner of this website have been authorised by the owners of that content and are protected by the relevant intellectual property rights.
In no event does the mere act of browsing or using the website constitute the licensing or total or partial assignment of intellectual property rights. Any transmission, reproduction, distribution, public communication, or total or partial transformation of the content without the prior consent of its owners is expressly forbidden.
Participants to an event organised by TAOZEN ASSOC. recognize and accept that all intellectual, industrial, and image rights derived from the activities during the event are owned by TAOZEN ASSOC., subject to the limitations of the relevant data protection laws.
Should any problems arise during an event organised by TAOZEN ASSOC., participants are encouraged to report these immediately to TAOZEN ASSOC. so that it can address and resolve the issues efficiently.
If you have any concern or dispute about this Website, you agree to first try to resolve the dispute informally by contacting TAOZEN ASSOC.
These Terms and Conditions may have been translated. You agree that the original English text shall prevail in the case of a dispute.
TAOZEN ASSOC. reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at any time.
By continuing to access or use our services after those revisions become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised terms. If you do not agree to the new terms, in whole or in part, please stop using the website and our services.
Participants understand TAOZEN ASSOC. will not treat or diagnose any disease, illness, or ailment and if they should experience any such issues they should see their registered physician or other practitioner as determined by their own judgement.
If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions, you may contact us at hello@taozenfamily.com.
Last updated: 03 June 2024

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